GALVESTON, TX – May 12, 2021 – On Tuesday, May 11, the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted a roundtable of city and business leaders throughout the county to identify barriers and find solutions to the current workforce crisis.
The roundtable featured a welcome from Chamber president and chief executive officer Gina Spagnola and opening remarks from Galveston Mayor Craig Brown.
C.B. “Bix” Rathburn, PhD, chamber board member and past president, moderated the discussion.
The panelist worked to address contributing factors such as stimulus packages, mental health concerns, childcare availability, and housing and transportation issues.
The discussion is a part of the WORK Galveston County project (WGC project), a county-wide partnership led by the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce, designed to meet both the immediate and long-term employment needs. While solutions such as incentives and mini job fairs aimed at students to help summer tourism businesses are short-term solutions, the WORK Galveston County project will look more into long-term career paths and creative approaches to match employees with jobs and provide small businesses with resources and workforce availability.
For more information about the WGC project, contact Gina Spagnola, president and chief executive officer for the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce at (409) 763-5326 or by email at