Ribbon Cutting Introducing New Businesses to Galveston

Ribbon Cuttings introduce new businesses to the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce and help celebrate special occasions, such as a move to a new location, the opening of a new branch or an anniversary milestone. They are scheduled at the convenience of the hosting business. Download our Tips for Planning a Successful Ribbon Cutting for suggestions on how to make your event the best it can be.
If your business is interested in having the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce conduct a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, please call 409-763-5326.
What you should do:
- Please contact Tina Collins or call 409-763-5326 at least two weeks in advance of your desired date. The best days to schedule a ribbon cutting are Tuesdays or Thursdays around 4:30 p.m.
- Choose a location. This may seem obvious for most businesses; however, consider the audience you are trying to target. If your business does not have a physical office presence on the Island, or if you do not have a brick & mortar, you may use the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce office for your ceremony.
- Organize your “marketing” with these helpful suggestions:
- Arrange for staff members to give tours of your business to guests if your facility warrants
- Display and demonstrate your products and/or service
- Refreshments are not required, but they are always well received
- Consider the message you want your guests to leave This is your chance to inform them about your services and products. Make the most of the opportunity!
- Notify the Chamber of any special arrangements. Do you want us to perform a normal ribbon cutting ceremony? Do you just need our scissors and ribbon for a photo? Let us know your needs!
- Send special invitations. The Chamber will market your ribbon cutting to the Chamber membership; however, the ribbon cuttings in which the hosting business personally invites their staff, family, friends, business partners, clients and potential clients to attend always have the highest attendance.
What we will do:
- Post your ribbon cutting as an upcoming event on the Galveston Regional Chamber calendar on www.GalvestonChamber.com , on our Facebook Page and in our weekly member emails.
- Furnish the ribbon and scissors. We will provide the ribbon and our big scissors!
- Organize our volunteers to participate in the ceremony. The Chamber has a standard agenda which is flexible with your plans.
- Take photographs and submit them to the local media. Chamber staff will send an announcement of your ribbon cutting to The Galveston News.