Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce The Oldest Chamber in the State of Texas

Washington Building

Established in 1845 by the Republic of Texas, the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce serves as Texas’ oldest chamber of commerce in continuous operation. As a regional member organization, our mission is to promote and advocate for business and community development.

We champion over 750 members from different business sectors, including small businesses, education, research and healthcare facilities, government entities, non-profit, and religious organizations.

The board of directors form the policy level of the organization. The president and chief executive officer and dedicated team of six staff members manage the operations and daily work of the chamber. Additionally, we have a 501c3 supporting organization, The Chamber Partnership, which operates programs devoted to community, education, leadership, and workforce development.

Whether it’s governmental advocacy, educational programs, marketing exposure, networking opportunities, or attracting visitors, we give our members a tangible return on their chamber investment. We continue to provide leadership for our community, building on the success of those that came before us and laying a solid foundation for future generations.



A meeting inside the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce


To promote and advocate for business and community development.


The work of the Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce will be viewed as critical for the region in attracting new business and enhancing the success of existing businesses. The Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce will work to build a better future for all residents in the region through its efforts to expand economic prosperity, enhance educational success and improve our coastal lifestyle and quality of life.

Core Values

The Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce meets its mission, goals and daily operations through a commitment to the following core values:

  • responsive.
    Rapid response to members needs and the changing environment.
  • Leadership.
    Enthusiasm and commitment to shared
    values and mission. Identifying and setting
    new directions.
  • commitment.
    Steadfast pursuit of goals to successful conclusion
  • innovation & creativity.
    Improvement of services and processes and the development of creative ideas to meet the needs of our members and constituents.
  • integrity.
    Honesty in dealing with others and ourselves. Individual principles that respect the views of others.
  • teamwork.
    Chamber staff, members and volunteers working together for desired results.
USA Flag

Membership has many rewards, these are just a few:

  • increased visibility
  • networking opportunities
  • promotional partnerships
  • professional development
  • access to special events

meet the team galveston regional chamber of commerce team

Gina Spagnola
Gina M. Spagnola, IOM
President & CEO

Lindsay Chamber
Lindsay Touchy
Vice President

Laura Chamber
Laura Blacksher, IOM
Vice President of Finance & Human Resources

Jalene Headshot
JaLene Kambhu
Director of Membership Development

Robert Chamber
Robert Evans
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO

Collins Tina
Tina Collins
Director of Membership Services and Retention

Hoggatt Wendy
Wendy Hoggatt
Special Projects and Lemonade Day Coordinator

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Rhonda Harris
Director of Membership Sales & Expansion

Hopkins Christine
Christine Ruiz Hopkins
Marketing & Communications Director