Chair: Steven E. Conner, The Regent Care Centers
The Galveston Regional Chamber of Commerce takes a stand on tough issues such as taxes, new regulations, assessments, insurance, and federal wage laws affecting its members. The advocacy committee meets to discuss and act on important public policy issues directly affecting the business community.
The advocacy committee promotes a positive and pro-active business environment in the Galveston area. The committee’s tasks include:
- Develop and support local governmental action which promotes a strong business climate and job growth opportunities
- Oppose local governmental action which inhibits a strong business climate and diminishes job growth opportunities
- Establish productive relationships between business interests and public officials
- Provide forums to inform public officials and candidates for public office on issues impacting the business community
- Provide forums to educate the membership on issues impacting the business community
- Communicate official Chamber positions to the appropriate public officials prior to their action on the issue
- Identify and support individuals to serve on public Commissions and Boards
- Endeavor to hold public officials accountable for their actions and the resulting impact on the business community. This may be accomplished by the circulation of public official voting records to the Chamber membership on any issue on which the Chamber has communicated an official position.
This committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month, 8:00 am, in the Chamber board room.